Dukes of Dice
The Dukes of Dice - a podcast and community about board, card and role playing games.

This episode the Dukes... 

... Discuss recent plays of Ora et Labora, Downfall of Pompeii, Merchants & Marauders and Bora Bora (plus review of the Meeple Realty Bora Bora Insert) (4:45);

... Discuss the latest gaming news including the Descent companion app, the new game from Overworld Games Euphoria: Choose a Better Oppressor, pre-orders for Dead of Winter: The Long Night, and Manhattan Project: Energy Empire, currently on Kickstarter (23:03);

... Review Overworld Games' Booze Barons (32:33); 

... Look back at their reviews of the expansions Pretty Pretty Smash Up, 7 Wonders Babel and One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak in their Dukes' Double-Take (50:45); and

... Discuss what to do with inadequate gaming inserts (58:26).

Don't forget about the Inserts Galore Giveaway. Head on over to Board Game Theater to enter!


Enter the March Meeple Realty Give-Away!


Please be sure to support the Dukes on their Patreon campaign page!

Don't forget to give us your hearts on Board Game Links!

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Direct download: DoD_Ep_84_Pretty_Smashed_Up_One_Night.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am EDT