Dukes of Dice
The Dukes of Dice - a podcast and community about board, card and role playing games.

This episode Alex steps down and Duke Suzanne fills in! The Dukes... 

... Discuss recent plays including Nevermore, The Last Banquet, Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn, Onirim. Trambahn and Francis Drake (04:30); 

... Review Z-Man Games' Fields of Arle (25:25);

... Alex pops by for a solo review of Rio Grande Games' Friday (1:07:45); and

... Answer some short topic questions from listeners (1:18:08).


Please be sure to support the Dukes on their Patreon campaign page!

Don't forget to give us your hearts on Board Game Links!

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Facebook: /dukesofdice
Dukes of Dice YouTube Channel


Direct download: DoD_Ep_54_Fields_of_Huh.mp3
Category:Board Games -- posted at: 1:00pm EST