Dukes of Dice
The Dukes of Dice - a podcast and community about board, card and role playing games.

This episode the Dukes... 

... Discuss recent plays of Onitama, Carson City. Signorie and Colt Express (7:03);

... Discuss the latest gaming news including Wizards of the Coast announcing Albuquerque - the Duke City (!) - as a venue for the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour in 2017; Wizards of the Coast releases a source book for the Zendikar Plane from Magic: The Gathering to play in Dungeons & Dragons, and the Epic Resort: The Villains now on Kickstarter from Floodgate Games (23:18);

... Review Level 99 Games' Millennium Blades (33:05); 

... Look back at their review of Progress: Evolution of Technology in their Dukes' Double-Take (1:21:19); and

... Discuss how attitude affects their games (1:24:09).


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Direct download: DoD_Ep_90_Party_Like_Its_Level_99.mp3
Category:Board Games -- posted at: 11:59am EST