Dukes of Dice
The Dukes of Dice - a podcast and community about board, card and role playing games.

This episode the Dukes are joined by Chaz Marler from Pair of Dice Paradise. The Dukes...

... Discuss recent plays of Braggart, Escape the Room: Mystery at Stargazer's Manor, Ethnos, Star Wars Rebellion and Crokinole (4:06);

... Provide the latest gaming news including the announcement of CMON's new Minimum Advertized Pricing Policy, the announcement of the new nominess for the Spiel Des Jahres nominees, and the new Kickstarter for the expanision to Roll Player - Monsters and Minions (24:00);

...  Give you their Top 6 past Spiel des Jahres winners and nominees (35:35); and

... Look back at their review of Above and Below in their Dukes' Double-Take (1:02:16).


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Direct download: DoD_Ep_145_-_Spielunking.mp3
Category:Board Games -- posted at: 10:00am EDT