Dukes of Dice
The Dukes of Dice - a podcast and community about board, card and role playing games.

Today the Dukes are joined by returning Duke, Suzanne Sheldon; the three Dukes...

... Discuss recent plays including Rights, AquaSphere, Wyatt Earp, Cacao and the new NM Escape Room (03:11);

... In board gaming news, they discuss the FTC reaching a settlement agreement with projet creator of The Doom that Cam to Atlantic City, the new Undead Faction for Battle Lore 2nd Ed. and the new KickStarter project Zombicide: Black Plague (28:19); 

... Review CGE's Alchemists (41:25); and

... Discuss their attendance at the upcoming Dice Tower Con 2015 (1:20:47).


Please be sure to support the Dukes on their Patreon campaign page!
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Facebook: /dukesofdice
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Direct download: DoD_Ep_44_Alchemi-con.mp3
Category:Board Games -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT